Thursday 22 March 2012

Graphic Design

Graphic Design
I see Graphic Design as a creative process by which artists or company clients design certain logo’s and products for the target market which can range from 3-40+, toys made from wood, gadgets such as D of E Knifes from steel, or car brands such as Ferrari. The Graphic is what explains the products or gives an explanation of what its made to do, the artists make it as creative as possible through using text, images, colours or media, this communicates the subject matter and makes it look as Aesthetically pleasing as possible, always the most simple best design features will be marked the highest because of the layout and thorough attention to design, aswell the functioning of the product obviously the simpler the better.
 The process that the Graphic Designer’s go through when making there product can involve mind mapping, making a target audience, working out the products function, sketching it up on paper and design briefing, getting the materials, drawing it up on CAD applications, making it and then testing it, this is most important because if it is dangerous in any way when in use such as a bowl having sharp edges and being unsafe functioning can end up at most killing the user depending on what its meant for.
So making sure that a product is reliable and safe for the specific Target audience to use is important but once that’s over it comes up to Advertising and Packaging the product and making it look great! This is the identity of the product and depending on how you present it depends on how your audience will depict it. Colour coordination is very important for the advertising of the product especially if it’s a specific pre-existing product or a new product you have to use good drawings if that’s what you want to do for advertising it and make it look funky and snappy so its not overdone but eye-catching. Researching into product design is uploading information and photos on any Wi-Fi connected Computer or Laptop, going on trips, taking photos and mind mapping ready to design your own product or enhanced on product if it already exists.

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