Friday 22 June 2012

Magazine Experimentations

Magazine Experiments
This is an evaluation of Experiment 1, I like the use of black and white images and text and how its been done on an piece of tracing paper, with bombs and faint yellow traces saying "conflict in words and images" witha small rendering of a bomb.

I really like this magazine layout, for its use of black and white boxes and how your eye is firsly drawn to the text at te top left hand corner and then goes along to the Image of a tank wreckage. The use of text is quite good in this one in the way that at first its big then medium and then small text with the picture to the side with big text.

I like this magazine layout because it uses a good range of Images and text joined together, I like the text and page layout and how it has a sub-heading with the natural page text with the start of the paragraph and information with a Big Letter. What I think I could do to improve this was to have more pictures encorparated together and make up the overall Image of a plane. 

Magazine Layout Experimentations

Magazine Layout Experimentations
I really Like this one for its its simplisticness of text and how the Image has a text background to show the reason behind it and the way its like a sports magazine because the Image is coming out, also with the text at the fore front of the Image its makes it easier to view and see whats happened. 

I like this one for the easiness of the Image and text being together and how the white ooutlined writing covers the Black photo of the tank wreckage. This seems more of a Poster Image but I still Like the basicness of it.

I like this piece of art for its use of posotive space and how I have folded over the image and how it creates a surface to right or paint on. I really like how the image is life-like and that I can use the Image
to write on aswell with paint in Black.

I like this newspaper experiment for its use of negative space and shade and how autimatically it gives you a different percpective of the image and background with text because theres nothing there and it doesnt seem sensible.

I like the black, white and red in this certian work sheet because it shows a style of painting and drawing, and how the text font contrasts with the planes firing a misile.

I like the use of yellow involved with black and white because the plane stands out over the big missile head in the Back ground, though I dont like the faint yellow foregroung writing of "Conflict in words and Images" as it doesnt stand out.

Magazine Layouts

Magazine Layouts
Here is a small Image of a magazine Layout, its very nice indeed because of the simple edited Phots on the right hand side, Then with a title and building upside down using good text and image and a photo underlined also with text.

I like this one for the simple black and white shades, this makes it interesting because of the free space and then black background and white text, I like this also for the way numbers are used to capture the form of a human being resting her arm on the banister rail.

This one I like most for its simplisticness of Image the in its self it is very interesting indeed as the head and potrait of the body uinderlines a much more bolioged way of Image creation and Life memorabolia, and how life so good when you think posotive.

Augmented Landscape

Augmented Landscapes

The steps I took to get this done was first to upload the photos to the L-Drive and then copy them over to Photoshop. Step 2, do some drawings to put onto the Landscape and photo them, upload them onto a memory card reader and put them as Jpeg files in "My Pictures" from there I open them on Photoshop. Step 3 and last of all I used "Free Transform" and scaled them into size comparison to the Landscape.

Friday 15 June 2012

Character Design for the BBC Ident

Character Designs for BBC Idents
Theis where Ideas I had for the robot Ident and show my level of concentration and drawing ability, and what my thought for robot anime would be, type A, medium build, strong, flexible, smart and tough, whereas with type B a large robot species with big bones, thick tough armour and little brain power, though naturally with a weapon this one choose an axe.


I took 2 Images of Ldrive and copied them onto Photoshop and then went into Layers and "Merge down" and this way the human looks like an alien Hybrid.

This one I took a number of pictures from the Ldrive just like experiment 1 and then pu7t them together my Idea was to use the skeleton as the middle and then spider legs, alien legs and coachroach legs and put them together.

I just used the same Techniques and images as before with free transform and mouse tool to move them around to their appropriatte places, though this time I used a bat head.

Movie maker for BBC ident

Movie Maker for BBC Ident
To start of this anime movie what happens is the good alien A is vercing the bad alien B and both are of a different species, The evil alien fights the bad alien in wanting him dead.

The second scene show Alien A to your left and alien B to your right.

Alien B gets to angry, Alien A Kills him.

This scene is Alien A striking and the camera is zoming away, the blow is to strong for Alien B and so he falls.

This is the end scene and shows Alien A moving away after winning the fight.

Brighton Fringe Postcards Experiments

Brighton Fringe Postcards Experiments
Step one I rotated the canvas 90% and dragged a photo in which I free transformed it and made fill the A4 screen. This was only if you wanted a photo and colour in the post card
This sort of Photoshop technique is simple. First I duplicated the layer and on the Background, step 3 I made got the bucket tool and put the colour to purple and changed layer 1, after doing so I dragged it over the top of the photo.
The I wanted to use typography so I got the writing tool enlarged the size and changed the colour back to white from purple and went to bold italic on the typography style. Then step 5 when I was pleased with the size of the letters I went to layer, merge down and then on the rubber tool I changed to magic rubber tool and deleted the insides of the letters so it showed the Brighton dome in the background.
After that, I was finished though on some of the others as you can see I put shapes in that mirrored the shapes of the letters below and did step five over again. Here are my experiments in the way of Pam and Jenny.

As I started to get tired with the simple, dull post cards, I moved onto developing the layers of my Photoshop and the colours as well adding ink splashes and making it more of a creative piece of art and detailed design for a postcard.

After doing so we found out the theme of the brighton festival which is where these designs are for though I only started putting the logo on towards the end, and made a range of different post card varities all ranging in the colours they showed and their size of the Brighton dome. 

Brighton Fringe Festival Post cards

Brighton Postcards
The steps I took in creating this postcard was first to take the image of the brighton pavillion from the Ldrive, and uploaded it into photoshop, step2 I edited the image and converted it into a black and white copy and took most of the filling of the building out of it and then took changed the Image with filter to "sketch" and converted it to the colour blue, step3 I used th gradient tool for the background colour blue and then the "magic tool" to delete the colour blue out and then overlayed the image with drips of ink and "brighton fringe 2012". I like it, but I could of had it bigger and more stripes of white say 2 instead of 1.

step 1 I used the same process as in post card 1, but this time I converted it to a black and white Image and made it larger, keeping a grey background. Then I used blue and purple drips of ink from the Ldrive and then "Brighton fringe festival 2012" with a purple and red writing to show the frequency of it going from blue to red. I like it but I could of scaled up to dome and made parts of it darker with smaller text and drips in it.
I took an Image of a person looking out to the beach in brighton from the pier and then corveted it into to a smart image and cut it out, then I used the gradient tool for the inside of an image, fiorst with the rainbow and then with orange and yellow. I put text into the Image and overlayed it ontop, then with the second image I used the transform tool and warped the text to make it wavy as if in the shadows. I like the white space and text in the foreground of the images.

I took a different image from Ldrive into Black and white and then used the eraser tol to remove the bottom part of the Brighton Dome. Step2 I made a new page and copied a Image over the page and again used the eraser tool to remove the bottom part of the image, then once done I used the eraser tool for the sky inbetween "BRIGHTON" and ontop and then selected what was tleft and copied it iver to the background Image fo the Brghton Pier and then copied the Brighton Fringe Festival on to it. I liked the Image of the brighton dome with its pure black and white, but I think if I changed the "BRIGHTON" to balck and white and scaled it down to look part of the Image it would look more together and the "Brighton Fringe Fetsival 2012" would stand out more, thoughas it is it looks pretty good with the Brighton text overlaying the background with colour and standing out more.

Art Timeline

Events that Influenced Art

Friday 1 June 2012

Visual Typography

Avant Garde
I really like this one because it gives a sort of wild, circle, curved shape and a fantasy, magical look to it its new, advanced yet different. Avant garde is just that its explorative, experimental, and innovative just like this artist movement, I think that the words experiment this art movement well, its funky, creepy and wild looking.

I really enjoy doing this sort of art, Love as a word its strikes me as growth, fearless, happy, adventures and this makes me feel happy myself especially when drawing it or thinking about it somewhat strong and foundational, its flowing and infinate, I think the curves and flowing long stylish letters gives us an indacation of that realable power love is.

This is opposite to Happiness, its horror and that in its self gives us an indacation of what it is and means, horrendous and unthinkably evil. I don’t like the thought of this and that’s because its cruel, I like the drips and the method you can create horror buts its meaning makes me feel surprised at what conflict does happen through both good and evil, but in the end truth will previal.

When I  think of this I think of happy memories done through the milk of human kindness, and the help and service that goes on through the world in helping others and loving others to become better and improved. Development is the real meaning of what calmness gives to me and that its that life is all about becoming happy and desiring goodness, happiness, and a real sense of inner peace.

The movement part of art, machine, strong, automatic and fast. This word expresses to me the feel of speed and strength, Its robotic and powerful that is why in my words ive used lots of fantastic looking lines and shapes that look like body armour and parts that should be on cars, and this gives me a feel of advanced era’s and how the world is moving on and improving industrily.

I really like the movement and sharp edges you geet in conflict and layers you get with letters moving on top of eachother, and also the 3-d effect you get with the words and also the voilent expressoinism you get with the spikes and curved lines making the lines look like knifes.