Friday 22 June 2012

Magazine Layout Experimentations

Magazine Layout Experimentations
I really Like this one for its its simplisticness of text and how the Image has a text background to show the reason behind it and the way its like a sports magazine because the Image is coming out, also with the text at the fore front of the Image its makes it easier to view and see whats happened. 

I like this one for the easiness of the Image and text being together and how the white ooutlined writing covers the Black photo of the tank wreckage. This seems more of a Poster Image but I still Like the basicness of it.

I like this piece of art for its use of posotive space and how I have folded over the image and how it creates a surface to right or paint on. I really like how the image is life-like and that I can use the Image
to write on aswell with paint in Black.

I like this newspaper experiment for its use of negative space and shade and how autimatically it gives you a different percpective of the image and background with text because theres nothing there and it doesnt seem sensible.

I like the black, white and red in this certian work sheet because it shows a style of painting and drawing, and how the text font contrasts with the planes firing a misile.

I like the use of yellow involved with black and white because the plane stands out over the big missile head in the Back ground, though I dont like the faint yellow foregroung writing of "Conflict in words and Images" as it doesnt stand out.

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